There are many ways that you can help.

  1. You can help financially.  We are going to do this no matter what, but financial contributions can help speed up the process.  We are in the process of setting up a donation method but if you can’t wait please contact us and we can provide you with several “private” methods to donate.  We want to use “private” methods to preserve our anonymity because…..well let’s face it….being stoned is not very PC in certain circles.
  2. Advertise with us.  This is the same as a donation but you get something more in return for your money than just the satisfaction of knowing you helped.
  3. You can be a regular ranter with us.  Contact us and tell us about your self, what you’d like to rant about and your methodology for coming up with your rants.
  4. Comment on a rant.  Getting a good laugh is important and one way to increase the chances of a LOL is for you to interact with us and give us your feed back.  Regular commenters will be first in line to become official ranters.