Why is health care not available for every one? Why are there people starving or homeless? Or any other big injustice? We have enough resources in our world to solve most of these problems if it could be managed properly.

That means the reason these injustices exist is because someone or somebody wants it that way.

Would human management of the resources and injustices be possible with out either total domination or God (aka morality)? As we as a global culture get farther and farther away from God we seem to have an increase in control over resources for the reason of correcting injustices. However, our freedoms seem to get less and less.

Too much of the worlds resources (money) are controlled by too few people. The only way to get rich people to give up more money is to tax them. That means rich politicians vote for more taxes on rich so that the politicians can stay in power so that they can get more rich.

Gradually the not so rich people loose too much money to taxes or sluggish economy causing there to be fewer rich people to tax. To stay in power politicians have to keep solving more “injustices”. But at some point they run out of rich people and everything collapses. And freedoms decline steadily during this whole process.

The other political side is that conservative politicians get elected they are rich but tax less to stay in power. They still have to promise stuff to stay in power BUT their supporters tend to be Christians and rely on God and not the government for stuff so they aren’t as easily swayed by “promising” politicians. If the country would turn back to God you’d see this class of people increase and as they increase charitable giving would increase resulting in resources and God directed management to solve injustices.

But man is born sinful and it’s the sin that allows injustices. Does that seem like a big task? Just follow Torah and rely on God’s grace (because no one’s perfect) and it’ll happen.

One of the main conditions that seem to cause these problems is population density. The solution is to spread out. Man’s inclination to sin causes they to group together more. The more we group the more rules there needs to be (less freedom).

The Garage Logic theory on tall buildings is in play here too.

I wonder if there was starvation in pre ancient, tribal times like there is now.

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